Theo and Liz's page

[Theo's Weight]Theo's Weight as a baby. Graph showing Theo's weight, when he was a baby, at official weighings. (Made using OpenOffice)

[Theo's Weight]Liz's Weight as a baby. Graph showing Liz's weight, at official weighings. (Made using OpenOffice)


[Photos of Liz]Photos of Liz, 3 months - 6 months

[Photos of Liz]Photos of Liz, birth - 3 months

[Photos of Theo]Photos of Theo, aged 2 years - present

[Photos of Theo]Photos of Theo, aged 18 months - 2 years.

[Photos of Theo]Photos of Theo, aged 1 year - 18 months.

[Photos of Theo]Photos of Theo, aged 9 - 12 months.

[Photos of Theo]Photos of Theo, aged 6 months - 9 months.

[Photos of Theo]Photos of Theo, aged 3 months - 6 months.

[Photos of Theo]Photos of Theo, aged pre-birth - 3 months.